Voices from Our America (VFOA) was written by Dr. Ifeoma C. K. Nwankwo and Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr., and it focuses on the experiences of individuals from Panama, specifically those of West Indian descent. The text discusses the history of the Panama Canal, the inequities and dangers faced by those who built the canal, and the reasons for a need to preserve the culture and lives of those who migrated to Panama for various reasons. VFOA seeks to capture the rich history of West Indian descendants in Panama in attempt to expand the amount of primary sources that scholars and beyond can research and study in order to better their understanding of the language, culture, and much more. VFOA also provides video and photographs in order to establish a knowledge of different facial expressions, how things are said, or even how the way in which an individual reflects on memories; this allows for a deeper consideration, and in turn a deeper comprehension, of how these things lead to the creation of art and literature across different time periods.
Link: www.voicesamerica.org
20 November